The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom for the Fox Broadcasting Company which has been around since December 1989 which is a long time in any industry so it was a matter of time before someone brought them to life,almost.
I'm gonna start with the character that everyone hates to love *drum roll* Bart simpson and I must warn you the picture strikes fear into me.
Up next is Television's oldest animated mother : Marge Simpson and she looks uhm..... good, not give-it-to-my-child-as-a-doll good but still good.
Mr burns is our next guest and he turned out how I imagined him, crooked and mischievous.
Now,for the man of the house, The OG, doughnut lover, alcoholic and year long feature on my wallpaper. He'd get a drum roll but we used it all on Bart Simpson.
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